Put our wealth planning and investment management expertise to work for you.
Together, we can achieve your financial goals.

Wealth Planning

A good plan is the key to making the right financial decisions.

Investment Management

Disciplined and focused investing for the long term.

Living to 100

Insights on how to live your life now and well into the future.

Our Market-Resilient Investment Strategy Achieves Long-Term Results

What is $100 invested with Nexus in 1989 worth today?

The chart illustrates the impact of this long-term investment thinking – a $100 investment in a balanced portfolio in 1989 has grown to $1,759 as at December 31, 2023.

"Nexus" reflects the returns of the Nexus North American Balanced Fund after September 30, 1997, and, until then, a composite of Nexus portfolios managed to a balanced mandate. Such returns are time-weighted, total rates measured in Canadian dollars and calculated after deducting such direct and indirect costs as applicable withholding taxes, trading commissions, custody fees and other fund/account expenses, but without deducting Nexus's management fees (which are charged to client accounts and vary by client). "CPI" is the "All-Items" Consumer Price Index for Canada, not seasonally adjusted.

Nexus Notes Quarterly

To Insure Promptitude

To Insure Promptitude

Human Interest
Historically, tips were a monetary translation of either “thank you” or “sorry”.
The Joy of Doing Nothing Together!

The Joy of Doing Nothing Together!

Pearls of Wisdom
Life seems to be a never-ending balancing act, doesn't it?